Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Double Trouble

Saturday, Nov 5, 2016.

B. Hart got to hunt on his own for only the second or third time this year.  Kids were safe at home, asleep in their bed, with visions of big bucks running in their head.  Big daddy headed out behind the house, and was anticipating a nice crisp morning in his tree stand.  As usual, things started off not as smooth as expected, as i forgot the seat to my treestand.  A temporary setback i thought, it's still dark and i am ahead of schedule.  Back down 25 feet, back to the house, back to the tree stand, and back up 25 feet.  Finally snuggled in to my spot, and ready for the hunt ahead.  The beginning of light off to my right, and a dark woods down to my left, i thought it was a perfect morning to try and rattle to try and bring in a dominant buck.  My hunting spot sits atop a high knob- one of the highest points in the area, and i've noticed over the years that buck activity increases  across the knob as season goes deeper into the rut.  My theory is they want to catch the wind from many directions to find their next girl friend, much like the area Josh describes as Magnetic North.  So i pick up my rattling antlers- a nice set of long-tined beams conveniently taken from a roadkill many years ago and crashed them together.  Slow at first, then louder.  After putting down the antlers, and starting to settle back in for "the wait", only a few minutes had passed when i decided to hit the antlers together again.  "can't hurt" i thought.  I always like rattling at dusk and dawn for some reason- not sure why, but i do.  After setting the antler back down, i was letting my eyes adjust to a dark section of the  wood i was watching when i heard a familiar low guttural grunt- one that's not heard often, but unmistakable none-the-less.  It was so soft that i questioned if it was a grunt.  As i was reaching down to grab my grunt tube, i looked past my leg and saw dark movement and white antlers.  Yea buddy, it's Go-time, i thought, then quickly my nerves kicked in elevated the situation.  The buck was walking on a trail about 10 yards from my tree, and I knew he was a nice buck immediately.  Since he was so close to the tree and almost below me, i could identify the spread of the rack better than the length of his tines.  I thought he might be the nice buck we had seen only a month or so ago on the trail camera.  I wasn't sure, but was certainly hoping so.

To Be Continued......
Well, this is the inaugural blog of the official A-team blog site.  We'll refer to it as the "A-team Antics" for now.
As life as moved on over the last decade or two, the original A-team crew has found it more and more difficult to hunt together quite as much as years ago.  Most are very good reasons, other reasons, well..... So i've seen our group hunting more by themselves, closer to home some of the times, or not even at all- or nearly like before.  It's more and more difficult to keep tabs on which of our crew have gotten deer, or messed up on deer.
We all love seeing deer and turkey pics, especially ones that our group as gotten.  But i've gone a whole season before and not seen pics of all of the deer that have been harvested by our group, only to learn about them at the end of the year dinner.
So i decided to create a site that we all had access to- so we could check in from time-to-time to see how everyone is doing hunting, as well as report on how you have done.  We are able to tell a few good stories, upload a few nice pics, and certainly bust on each other for messing up on a deer/turk.
We'll see how it goes- i hope everyone will like it and find it easy to use and easier to keep track of our group as a whole.  But if it doesn't, then so be it- it's at least worth a try.